Daily cleaning schedule for a clean and healthier home

clean bathroom

If you need to keep your home clean , a daily cleaning schedule is the effective way for it  .  If you spend a little more time on your daily or weekly cleaning , you can enjoy a clean and peaceful home. No more tensions about unexpected guests.

Below there is a list about factors you should consider on a daily cleaning schedule.


  • Wipe down surfaces

Wiping of all the surfaces in your home is a prior one in your daily cleaning schedule . We all know about the pandemic situation that we are facing . Germs and viruses can harbor anywhere, mainly in areas where we frequently touch . Surfaces such as the floor, furniture, and handrails  are exposed to germs . So it’s essential to clean or sanitize the surface. You can use wipes with sanitizer for this . The best part is there is no need for extra money for this process. You can use the things that’s already in your home. Cleaning the surface after its usage will be better for eg : you can clean the kitchen counter after each meal .If you need to clean the floor surface you can rely upon professional cleaning services. They will handle it in a professional manner and you just need to sit and relax. 


  • Dry bathroom are after shower

You and your family’s shower routine may vandalize the cleanliness of your bathroom. It may put your health in danger . When you take a shower especially in hot/ warm water . It causes humidity in the bathroom and leads to foggy windows , mirrors . Most of us don’t pay attention to this and after a few days the trapped humidity gives a good atmosphere to breed algae and mold . Which can cause infections and diseases.So be conscious about drying the bathroom . And create a habit to turn on the fan of the bathroom before shower and also wipe the surfaces like mirror shower handle etc after shower . 


  • Clean your dishes immediately after use

Experts recommend cleaning your dishes immediately after every meal to avoid the germs. Do Not stack plates and dishes on sink its not healthy so everyone in the family should be intentional about cleaning the dishes after usage.


  • Care for high traffic spots in home 

As the name implies, a high traffic area means the highest amount of foot traffic areas, like the front door, stair , floor etc . Be intentional about cleaning those areas everyday to avoid dust,dirt. 


  • Everybody do their share

Cleaning is also about how well you organized each and everything in your home . Keeping items where they belong is also a part of cleanliness . For that each and every member should cooperate including children . Every night, make it a priority for you and your family to put everything back where it belongs. The result will be an organized home that you look forward to walking into every night after work.

Implement these cleaning hacks in your daily schedule and you can see the difference in each and every corner of your home . A clean home will give you positivity throughout your day and you can be more productive with positive vibes . Cleanliness is not possible only by a person in the family. It’s teamwork. Everyone should be aware and responsible for a clean home . A maid service can help you without any worries because they are professional and well trained. They know how to give the best result for their customers and we have no tension just relax . We are all busy with our work so we also deserve a freetime, or a quality time with our loved ones .So its quite good to rely upon a professional cleaning company

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