How To Do Laundry Perfectly – Tips from Home Cleaning & Laundry Experts


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What do you think is the most dreadful household task? Is it laundry? Yes, sometimes laundry can go wrong and it can be annoying. Laundry needs a good amount of time, and after all the effort, sometimes it still goes wrong even if you are a laundry freak. 


From selecting the right detergents to suit the fabric to use the right setting on the machines, mistakes can happen in the process. That’s why home cleaning and laundry experts come up with the best tips to get the best results to stay on top of the laundry.


Check the labels


This is the first step most people forget to do, says home cleaning and laundry specialists from Home Maids. To know the wash care instructions of the fabric, it is important to check the care labels. You will get to know if the fabric can be hand washed or machine washed, the water setting, usage of detergents on the fabric, etc. 


Knowing how the fabric reacts to temperature, water, and detergents helps you find the right laundry technique for each fabric. This way you can launder similar fabrics together and those that need special care can be washed separately.


Sort the fabrics


Mixing up different types of fabrics when it comes to laundry is the biggest mistake most people make. If you are someone who does this, you are unknowingly damaging your clothes. Before you proceed, carefully sort the fabrics. Home cleaning and laundry specialists suggest sorting them based on the below categories.


  • How dirty they are
  • Fabric that color bleeds
  • Light and dark-colored
  • Heavy, abrasive, delicate fabrics


Washing these sets separately can improve their life and they will look fresh for a long time. It is also a good practice to wash clothes inside out to prevent color fading.


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Don’t put detergents directly on fabrics


Some detergents on direct application with certain fabrics can damage their color. So make sure you place the fabrics first and then water and finally the detergents. This will save your clothes from color damages and fading.


Choose the right settings


Understanding the right washer and dryer settings can help you perfectly launder your clothes. Here is a list of wash cycle settings you should pay attention to on your next laundry day.


  • Water temperature
  • Cycle speed
  • Cycle duration(timer)


When it comes to drying your clothes, you can choose between regular, medium heat, delicate, or air dry settings.







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