How To Make Your Kitchen Smell Fresh All The Time?


Tips from Home Maids housekeeping services Dubai for an odor free kitchen.


housekeeping services Dubai


A home is incomplete without a kitchen. Kitchen is the place where you cook soulful dishes for you and the family. It has now become the favorite spot where families and guests love to congregate. So what if an unpleasant odor is welcoming you in the kitchen?


Strong cooking smell, germs, and molds, decayed food items, etc. can make your kitchen smelly.


Here are a few tips from housekeeping services Dubai to keep your kitchen odor-free and fresh all the time.


1. Find the Problem Maker


Yes, the first step towards treating foul odor is by finding its source and then treating it. If you don’t work on the basics, whatever you do to get rid of the smell will be in vain. So look for the problem maker or the source and work on it.


2. Eliminate Pungent Smells


Here are some quick ways recommended by housekeeping services Dubai to remove the pungent smell from your kitchen.

  • Mix two to three tablespoons of vinegar and a cup of water and boil the mix in a saucepan for 20 to 30 minutes. Make sure you keep the pan open so that the sit penetrates the air inside your kitchen and cancels out foul odors.
  • Make a simmering potpourri with herbs like rosemary, lavender, cinnamon, lemon, or orange peel. Simmering herbs in pots fill in a lovely fragrance inside your kitchen keeping it fresh.
  • Have no time for simmering? If you are looking for a quick solution, here is an instant spray that can keep your kitchen smell lovely. In a spray bottle, add some water, a few drops of lavender oil, and rosemary oil. Shake it well and spray it onto the kitchen.


housekeeping services Dubai



3. Freshen the disposal


To deodorize the foul smell from the garbage disposal, run a cup of vinegar and cold water for a minute. Vinegar neutralizes unpleasant odors and keeps your garbage disposal fresh.



Also Read: Benefits of Couch Cleaning by Maid Service Dubai



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